May 30, 2005

Forbidden Rice Flour Crepes with Seafood Sauce

I recently bought some Forbidden Black Rice Flour (because it was on sale and I couldn't pass it up for 59 cents a bag). I decided to try out one of the recipes on the back of the bag for "Sizzling Rice Crepes." The crepes were delicious, but they were crying out for something to go on top of them. So I tried making them again today and asked my husband what he thought. I was thinking that a shrimp sauce (like the shrimp sauce at Ti Couz in San Francisco) would be perfect, but I didn't have any shrimp on hand. So Rob recommended a salmon sauce.

So I include here the recipe for the crepes and the salmon sauce and I'll add the shrimp sauce when I give it a go.

1 c. Forbidden Rice Flour
2 T. cornstarch
1/2 t. sugar
1/2 t. salt
1/2 c. coconut milk
3/4 c. water (i used milk instead)

Salmon Sauce:
1 c. chicken or veggie bouillion (i used veggie with no salt added)
1/4 c. flour (i used ground hard red wheat)
1/4 c. heavy cream
2 t. curry powder
1 t. salt (or more)
about 1/4 c. tomato paste
1/2 c. milk (to thin it out a tad)
1 can wild salmon (farmed salmon is bad for other salmon and for the earth)

Mix together all of the ingredients and cook over medium heat on a buttered skillet. Cook about 2 minutes on the first side and 1 minute or so on the other.

I just mixed everything together over medium heat then spooned it over finished crepes.

Adjustments that I'm hoping to make in the future:
I'd like to replace the salmon with shrimp. I also want to have a fresh salsa to toss on top -- probably just tomatoes and green onions -- to give it another texture.